We do not wish incorrect and unsound doctrines to be handed down to posterity under the sanction of great names, to be received and valued by future generations as authentic and reliable, errors in history and doctrine, if left uncorrected by us who are conversant with the events, and who are in. When he was 24, smith published the book of mormon. This doctrine tries to reconcile christianity and islam, claiming the 2 religions are. What do mormons believe irrefutable proof evidence. In the nineteenth century, joseph smith claimed to receive the book of mormon from the angel moroni. Yesterday i did something that i have never done before in a sermon. This website was created to help lds members reading the book of mormon to focus on and realize the teachings contained in it, instead of just reading the words and assuming their content is in accordance with the readers notion preconceived of what the book teaches. According to smith, the book is originally written in an otherwise unknown language called reformed egyptian on golden plates and it should be of similar importance as the bible. We should reject these false teachings and teach the true christian gospel. The source to which they appeal for salvation is known as, doctrines and covenants. Benny hinn is about the most sought after false prophet and teacher today. The book of mormon teaches us to pray to god when we need advice or comfort and warns us against those who try to make us afraid to pray. Joyce meyer like most false teachers teaches extrabiblical doctrines as if they. See, nonchristian cults such as latterday saints, jehovahs witnesses, christian scientists, moonies, and others are for the most part known about.
A fine work exposing the lies and errors of one of the most insidious teachings today. Like graham, ravi zacharias is a massive compromiser and false prophet, who is virtually billy grahams twin. Protecting ourselves against the false doctrines of the. For a fuller detail on the false teachings of the cult of the lds, go here for information.
The book of mormon is a sacred text of the latter day saint movement, which adherents believe contains writings of ancient prophets who lived on. She teaches on many practical issues which make her popular, but hidden beneath her practical teaching are troublesome doctrines that need to be exposed. Do preachers such as joel osteen, creflo dollar, joyce meyer,etc. Transcripts of lectures presented to an honors book of mormon class at brigham young university, 19881990 provo. Marilyn hickey is a wordfaith teacher teaching false doctrine. Oct 20, 2019 come follow me study journal book of mormon printable my computer is my canvas stay safe and healthy.
May 11, 2012 the teachings of joyce meyers i know many love joyce meyers and why she has some good things to say at times when it comes to theology the woman is dangerous. The perfect example of one is his book against the false teaching of hypergrace. During the 1960s, prosperity gospel teachers embraced televangelism and came to. In addition to teaching the fulness of the gospel of jesus christ, the book of mormon fortifies followers of christ against the false teachings and ideas prevalent in the last days. The prophet appears throughout the history of the church. Unless otherwise indicated, bible quotations are taken from the king james version. Benny hinn ministries, bishop eddie long ministries, joyce meyer ministries, and. Protecting ourselves against the false doctrines of the last days. For our purposes, though, we will look at his teaching on the trinity. I provide some high level ideas as to how we as latterday saints should.
If true, it is one of the most important messages ever sent from god to manif false, it is one of the most cunning, wicked, bold, deeplaid impositions ever palmed upon the world, calculated to deceive and ruin. Jakes for his support of the doctrine of exclusion. Not too long ago it was pretty simple to expose false teachers and nonchristian cults, but today this task has taken a much deeper level and quite frankly it is becoming more difficult. Will you explain these bible references in view of the latterday. Word of faithprosperity gospel justin petersso4jtv duration.
Latent antimormon bias may seem harmless enoughafter all, mormons are reluctant to call others out on it. In that case, mormons shouldnt be confronted or any other cult. It was first published in march 1830 by joseph smith as the book of mormon. Teachings and doctrine of the book of mormon teacher manual.
By the time of his death, 14 years later, he had attracted tens of thousands of followers and founded a religion that continues to the present with millions of global adherents. Disproves mormonism using the bible, mormon scripture, statistical analysis and common sense. It is our experience that many people in the church have not thought about or realized the explicit teachings of the book of mormon and their implications. On 11292011, carm called the joyce meyer ministries in mo. Posted in thought of the day about mormonism, tagged almas conversion to jesus, bible, christianity, false doctrines in the book of mormon, false prophecies in the book of mormon, jesus, pauls conversion to jesus on 040320 2 comments. She is an interesting teacherpreacher, using the amplified version of the scriptures, rather than a standard literal translation. Book of mormon principles book of mormon teachings. With scare tactics and false teaching, shambach surgically convinces thousands to send their money to finance the heretical tbn. Are mormons sincere in their faith or are they deceiving us.
The exmormon recalled that, when she turned to jesus, she began to see signs of the personal biblical god the mormon god is not personal, she alleged touching many aspects of her life. Orson pratt, elder and member of the original quorum of the lds church. The book of mormon is a sacred text that was published in march 1830 by joseph smith, jr. In the articlei gave my personal experience with the book of mormon in my college years and also laid out some of the logical reasons why i believe the book to be true. Some people loved itand some people hated itbut at the end of the day, the experiences i shared are so tangible to me that ill never be able to forget or deny their. The following quote is from joyce meyers 1991 booklet on being born again which is worded differently in the 1996updated edition. Reinhard bonnke, paul cain, paul davidyonggi cho, john hagee, christian harfouche, jack hayford, david hogan, roberts liardon, arnold murray, pat robertson, robert schuller, gwen shaw, tommy tenney and many more. Latterday saint women stand latterday saint women who, without hesitation, sustain the lords prophet, the family proclamation as doctrine, and our divine role as covenant women for christ. The book of mormon is more correct than the bible, history of the church, 4.
Jakes has many other false teachings including wordfaith, and the prosperity gospel. Joyce meyer and her teachings recently i came across the teachings of joyce meyer. How can we explain passages in the book of mormon that seem to. Joyce anderson, author at latterday saint women stand. Why i called out joel osteen and joyce meyer church is. Any time their ratings drop, they reveal another supposed mormon secret.
One prophetwriter in the book of mormon, nephi, states its purpose in this way. One way it accomplishes this is by exposing the enemies of christ and identifying the false doctrines they spread. Should women be ordained ministers of the gospel according to the bible. Prosperity theology is a religious belief among some protestant christians that financial. According to our teachings, satan and an army of supporters were cast down to earth from the premortal spirit world. Throughout pauls ministry, he waged a constant fight against false doctrine. It is to confront heresy head on, wherever its found. Please note that these teachings are documented from mormon writers, not anti mormon writers. Her book tells the story of a picture of christ that survived a burning building, and of a. The book of mormon is a sacred text of the latter day saint movement, which adherents believe contains writings of ancient prophets who lived on the american continent from approximately 2200 bc to ad 421. Apostates exposed in the book of mormon latterday saint.
Come follow me for dec 30 introduction to the book of mormon. Jakes is associated with several troublesome teachings including the prosperity gospel and positive thinking. Ive taken a brief hiatus from a deep study of the book of mormon because ive been writing a lot and had a big stack of books i needed to get through. There are many other false teachers whose books are being sold in christian bookstores that we need to avoid. Jan 31, 2017 the prophet appears throughout the history of the church. As early as the second century, montanus and his disciples claimed to speak on behalf of the holy spirit. Printed in canada first edition, isbn 9780981146720. Jan, 2010 the shows creators are majorly and openly anti mormon, and they deliberately set out to create a show to make mormons look bad. Mormonism is a religion less than two centuries old, but in this short time it has managed to accrue a long list of embarrassments which the church leaders would prefer were kept silent. Smith said he has received these plates in 1827 from an angel named.
The book of mormon exposes the enemies of christs by declaring what the apostates taught, and did. The teachings of joyce meyers i know many love joyce meyers and why she has some good things to say at times when it comes to theology the woman is dangerous. Kenneth copeland a false gospel, a false hope wof series part 3. The prophet moroni, in the book of mormon extends an invitation for us, to know for ourselves, if the things the prophets teach are true. Readers of the book of mormon are sometimes concerned with passages that. Mormon beliefs are also shown to contradict both the bible and the book of mormon.
Please practice handwashing and social distancing, and check out our resources for adapting to these times. Before i get flamed i would like to point out three of the more glaring anachronistic errors. Another testament of jesus christ, maxwell institute study edition grant hardy. What do mormons believe irrefutable proof evidence joseph. There are a few other official pronouncements by mormon officials that deal.
The scriptures are very explicit on the need for the ordinances of the gospel and for obedience to gods. Instead of picketing the book of mormon musical, for example, the mormon church. Hugh nibley, teachings of the book of mormon semester 1. The book of mormon is set in north america in the first century. Jul 26, 2018 the book of mormon is a sacred text that was published in march 1830 by joseph smith, jr. Twelve beliefs the mormon church might not want you to. I publicly called out false teachers and named them by name. An account written by the hand of mormon upon plates taken from the plates of nephi. With its approachable writing style and wealth of usable information, teachings and commentaries on the book of mormon is an invaluable resource for personal study, family instruction, speaking assignments, lesson preparation, missionary work, and more. Her book tells the story of a picture of christ that survived a burning building, and of a billy graham sermon lodged deep in her memory.
This volume will change the way you read and study the book of mormon. This brings us to the second damnable heresy of mormonism, of which there are many. Many of joyce meyers teachings are dangerous and false. Discussion of the introductory passages of the book of mormon. The fact that joseph smith calls the book of mormon the most correct of any book is not only false teaching, it is a lie. Many are surprised that joyce meyer is a wordfaith teacher. Christian teachings according to gods word and the life of jesus currentlychristian. Exposing joyce meyers false gospel message on salvation. See, nonchristian cults such as latterday saints, jehovahs witnesses, christian scientists, moonies, and others. Top 10 embarrassments of the mormon religion listverse. Why the ldsmormon church will never be part of the body of christ. Introduction to teachings and doctrine of the book of mormon teacher manual religion 275. The devil was born as a spirit after jesus in the morning of preexistence, mormon doctrine, p.
They took every false stereotype imaginable and all but flat out claimed that those are characteristics of actual mormons. Transcripts of lectures present to an honors book o. When mormon missionaries properly called latter day saints or simply lds come to your door, they will often offer a free copy of the book of mormon and tell you about its author, joseph smith. Nov 15, 2017 latent antimormon bias may seem harmless enoughafter all, mormons are reluctant to call others out on it. He correctly points out that he has written books speaking against false teachings, even within the charismatic circles. This dvd is a resource that we, so4jtv, had the honor of producing wjustin peters. Joyce meyer like most false teachers teaches extrabiblical doctrines as if they are divinely inspired.
Apr 21, 2017 gathering place of false doctrine and false christian teachers often. Teachings of the book of mormon, part two hugh nibley. The ex mormon recalled that, when she turned to jesus, she began to see signs of the personal biblical god the mormon god is not personal, she alleged touching many aspects of her life. Over the past couple months, ive personally witnessed in myself what happens as a person neglects to study the book of mormon. Please look at this picture and you can read what she teaches and the source where they are getting it from. Joyce meyer is extremely popular with women and many men alike. Carm describes in detail the false teaching of joyce meyer 7.
False prophecies in the book of mormon life after ministry. Are these really the inspired word of god through a modern day. I said, if you listen to joel osteen and joyce meyer, if you take what they teach seriously, it will not be good for. An account written by the hand of mormon upon plates taken from the plates of nephi, who claimed that it had been.
The bible teaches the bornagain christian believer to separate from unbelievers, and to expose them titus 1. Aug 22, 2008 the book of mormon teaches us to pray to god when we need advice or comfort and warns us against those who try to make us afraid to pray. However, gods program with israel says that john 10. Why the ldsmormons will never be part of the body of christ. But when we look at these passages in context, along with teachings found throughout the book, we find that the book of mormon does. The shows creators are majorly and openly antimormon, and they deliberately set out to create a show to make mormons look bad.
This mormon prophet is regurgitating satans old lie from genesis book of. Jan 01, 2004 teachings of the book of mormon, part two hugh nibley. Title page, teachings and doctrine of the book of mormon teacher manual 2015 title page, teacher manual. The prosperity gospel is the teaching that the natural result of faith in. Oct 20, 2019 come follow me study journal book of mormon printable my computer is my canvas.
Mormon s teach that they can become gods and goddesses. Carlton pearson has even been attacked by false teachers like t. New world translation, kenneth copeland study bible, book of mormon, brownsville revival, azusu street revival, pensacola outpouring, holy laughter, slain in the spirit, gospel in the stars, endtime restorationism, perpetual 5fold ministry, free masonry. Although historians and archaeologists consider the book to be an anachronistic invention of joseph smith, many members of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints lds church and other denominations of the latter day saint movement believe that it. And when they had gone through and hewn down all my people save it were twenty and four of us, among whom was my son moroni and we having survived the dead of our people, did behold on the morrow, when the lamanites had returned unto their camps, from the top of the hill cumorah, the ten thousand of my people who were hewn down, being led in the. Mormonism is a religion less than two centuries old, but in this short time it has managed to accrue a long list of embarrassments which the church leaders would prefer were kept. This website is created and maintained by lds members with long experience in lds doctrine, lds canon, lds teachings, and mainstream lds thought, as well as experience with lds leaders. Mormon goddesses will spend eternity in full submission to their godhusband. To watch tims 11part teaching series on the wordfaith movement, go to. Smith, they will say, translated the book of mormon from golden plates he dug up in a hill in new york in the early 1800s. Today the airwaves are chockfull of people claiming to speak in the name of god. Since the publication of the book of mormon in 1830, mormon archaeologists have attempted to find archaeological evidence to support it. Mormon is allegedly a prophethistorian who was the native american believed by mormons to have written the book of mormon the main religious text of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints mormonism.
He said, but false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. Smith said he has received these plates in 1827 from an angel named moroni, who identified himself to smith as a native. Joyce meyer believes and teaches that jesus did not pay for sin upon the cross, but actually went to the torments of hell and made atonement there. Building on the teachings of the bible, the book of mormon tells us that prayer was created to give us a personal way to communicate with our father in heaven, and for him to communicate with us. Come follow me study journal book of mormon printable. Book of mormon the book of mormon is more correct than the bible, history of the church, vol. Years ago i heard that joyce meyer had a false teaching concerning the. You can read the book of mormon till you are blind and not find their doctrine of salvation in it. Teachings of the book of mormon flds are not mormons. December 23, 1805 june 27, 1844 was an american religious leader and founder of mormonism and the latter day saint movement.
This preacher, from missouri, is an influential word of faith woman who teaches a number of aberrant doctrines, similar to other prosperity teachers. Jakes has long been associated with oneness pentecostalism which holds to an unorthodox position on the trinity. The book of mormon is a sacred text of the latter day saint movement, which, according to adherents, contains writings of ancient prophets who lived on the american continent from approximately 2200 bc to ad 421. Joel osteen american clergyman born on march 05, 1963, joel scott osteen is an american preacher, televangelist, author, and the senior pastor of lakewood church, the largest protestant church in the united states, in houston, texas. From lds living, very interesting littleknown facts about the prophet joseph smith. Provides concrete evidence disproving the book of abraham, demonstrating that joseph smith was a false prophet. Robert schuller, is a positive thinking guru who denies essential christian doctrine. Using modern statements by lds leaders, current lds manuals and scriptures, this book illustrates the sharp differences between mormonism and biblical christianity. Instead it has demonstrated her lack of biblical truth in some very important areas. The book of mormon contains doctrinal and philosophical teachings on a wide range of topics, from basic themes of christianity and judaism to political and ideological teachings. The official mormon doctrine comes neither from the bible, nor from the book of mormon. One of her tapes recods her having a conversation with her billfold, commanding.
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